our books


CHOICES BOOK SERIES was created for;

Our Writers to have a VOICE

and our Readers to be inspired to HEAL by discovering their CHOICES when it comes to  their health care.

We want people to know they are not alone. 

These books become a healing tool for the Authors, by providing them a platform to tell their own transformational stories 

and for the Readers, by relating to the stories, and gaining the strength to move forward

These authors have walked the path and are here today because they explored their Choices.

Why Choices?

  • You’ve exhausted all that western medicine has to offer
  • You’re done with the side effects of medication
  • You’re tired of the medical ‘band-aids’
  • You’ve been stuck long enough
  • You question why you lack energy and can’t focus
  • Your anxiety and depression are getting worse
  • You’ve been told you only have one or two options
  • You’re curious about what else is out there
  • Or maybe, you are just ready to make the CHOICE to get your Life Back!

In Alternative and Holistic Health Care, we have many Choices that most people are not aware of. Make yourself a priority and explore ALL your CHOICES before making life changing decisions.In this book you will read short, but powerful, examples of just a few modalities that are available to help you on your journey to get your life back. Grab the keys, take responsibility, and make your CHOICE for your own life.

Become an Author in the Choices Book Series!

Mental health is a huge problem in our society and the statistics continue to climb even in our young children. We want to hear your stories of survival.

The Choices Book Series is all about alternative and holistic health care. It’s all about Choices! Let’s take a stand, educate our community, show support, and most importantly let people know that they are not alone…we’ve walked that path and we’re here today all because we explored our Choices.

We are looking for authors in the next volume series about Mental Health. Whether you have a story of Depression and Anxiety, Addiction, Suicide Attempts, Stress, Bipolar, Eating Disorders…whatever your story is, the world needs to read it… let’s talk!
Contact Cherri Now!

Topic: Mental Health vol. 1

    Inspiring Stories from Hopelessness to Hope.

    • Addiction
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Suicide